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Benonite Clay & The Healing Poultice

The incredible, multi-faceted, easy, amazing, cool and multi-faceted abilities of Clay! 


This is one item that you do not want to be without. Clay is able to transform many health issues to a positive state of health. Let's not forget it is a ton of fun experimenting with, and the results are undeniable. It is also an inexpensive option for DIY natural remedy solutions.


Let's begin by going over the external use of clay, by creating poultices. 


Choosing Your Clay:  


Not all clays are created equal. Here are some criteria you might want to consider before choosing a quality clay. 


  1. Use Pharmaceutical Grade Clays

  2. Use PURE 100% Clay. Living clay. Natural & organic are loosely defined and vary in quality. 

  3. Certified by a testing agency - using gas mass spectrometer

  4. FDA, G.R.A.S. certification -food grade clay

  5. High pH level (above 7)

  6. Beware of clays that require being ingested with an acid beverage to offset high sodium content. 


Types of Clay: 


Bentonite Clays have a strong 'negative ionic charge'


Sodium Bentonite Clay -contains more sodium.  Sodium (not salt) is crucial to a body's health. 


Calcium Bentonite Clay -sodium & calcium bentonite clay are both detoxifying clays 


Green (desert) Calcium Bentonite -found in California Mojave desert


Redmond clay -rich in sodium & calcium bentonite, a clay supplement


Pascalite -from Wyoming with a history of safe & effective internal clay


Terramin Bentonite Clay -a mineral researched by NASA


Green Illite -commonly used and very safe for internal use


Sacred Clay by Pyroclay (Michael King) -an amazing mineral clay that is metaphysically and esoterically inclined and fun to experiment with


Zeolite Clay - many amazing characteristics that make it a great therapeutic mineral. However, it is said that it is inert in the body and very few manufacturers produce zeolite properly. It should be handled with care prior to being used internally. 


There is also Zeolite clay that is a liquid.  (coming soon)


Benefits of Clay For Horses, Pets & People:  


Rejuvenates & cleanses the skin: beneficial for scratches (equine dermatitis), wounds, bee stings, bug bites, thrush

Reduces inflammation, irritation, itching, swelling, and hot spots

Detoxifies -pull's metal toxins, impurities, and chemicals out of the body

Improves cellular respiration

Reduction of free radical damage

Relieves itching

Assist in providing oxygen to cells

Increase circulation

Has 'drawing' abilities

Many Uses of Bentonite Clay (calcium) Poultices:  


Wounds, leg injuries (poultice sweat wrap), reduce inflammation, skin tumors, place over areas that are unable to be bandaged (provides a liquid type bandage), bruises, sprains, bites, ulceration, boil, abscesses, tick bites, facials, bee stings


Ok, now you have a crash course on clay, now let’s create some clay poultices!


Poultice Recipes & Ingredients


There are a number of items you can choose from to add to your clay poultice. This allows you to customize your poultice to address specific conditions.  Each recipe becoming a healing energy of your own participation in the process.  


They can be used on Horses, dogs, cats, chickens, cows, kids, adults, etc. Anything that moves or breathes.   


Added Ingredient Choices: 


Distilled Water

Witch Hazel

Apple Cider Vinegar -use raw, organic (recommend Braggs ACV)

Green Tea -no caffeine

Pau d'Arco Tea

Carrier Oils: Almond, Olive Oil (light), Coconut, Avocado, Castor, Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Rosehip Oil, etc. 

    -You can also create your own infused oils and add that to your recipe

Raw, Organic Honey -love to use this for helping hair grow back on old scars. Also great for burns. 

Vitamin C (with bioflavonoids)

Cayenne Pepper

Infused herbal waters

Essential Oils

Arnica (dissolved in distilled water) -for pain

Apis -for bee stings and bug bites

CBD (cannabidiol)




Black Activated Charcoal

Colloidal Silver (a natural antibiotic)


Basic Recipe


One part Bentonite Clay

One part of added ingredients (see above)


One part added ingredient, 3 parts of clay


Choose 2 added ingredients (ex: ACV & witch hazel), add to your clay.


See graphic for a more specific recipe


Mix until you reach the desired consistency.  Add more clay or liquid as needed.  

It is best to mix your poultice in a wood container and mix with wood utensils. Store in a glass jar with an airtight seal. Mason Jars are one suggestion. 


Then add you're Essential Oils to your recipe and mix again.


Below are some essential oils that you can use; the possibilities are endless. 


How much do you add?  That depends on the container, the condition, and your personal preference. In the graphic at the end of this article, you will see how much essential oils I used for an 8 oz. (1/2 cup) container. I like the poultice strong, even when using therapeutic grade essential oils.  Here are some of the oils you can use:  


Melrose -Wounds, bug bites, bee stings

Lavender -Inflammation, infection and just about any issue you have. The 'Swiss Army Knife' of oils

Balsam Fir -Inflammation, muscle, pain, bone & joint conditions

Copaiba -The king/queen of inflammation conditions. Combine with Balsam Fir and it has a magnifying effect

Lemongrass -Joints, tumors, cancerous cells, ligaments, insects

Wintergreen -Joint inflammation conditions, muscle aches & pains, cramps, bone conditions. 

Peppermint -Aches, pain, cooling effect, driving oil, bug deterrent, colic, fevers


Favorite combinations: 


Lemongrass & Wintergreen (could make this a trio and add Peppermint)

Melrose & Lavender

Balsam Fir & Copaiba

Lemongrass & Peppermint





















That should get you started. Don't be afraid to experiment with different recipes or using for different conditions.  


I have used poultices for anything from melanoma's, sarcoids, infected bug bites, heat wraps on the legs, any kind of scrape-nick-cut, deter ear mites in my horse's ear, any wounded area that can't be wrapped, to keep bugs off wounds, etc.





Photo -Clay Poultice with Green Tea Ingr

            Utensils You Will Need: 


Glass bowl

Measuring cups (non metallic)

Measuring cup (glass)

Wooden Spoon or stirer 

                DIY Clay Poultice Basic Recipe


1.  1/4  C. Witch Hazel or Distilled Water


2. 1/4   C. Bentonite Clay


Mix together till it forms a mixture like mud. Add more water or clay as needed.  


This will more than fill a 8 oz. jar. 


*Add your essential oils

*Can also use Green tea, herbal infusions, tinctures, CBD oil, carrier oil in place of the Witch Hazel.  

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