If there ever was something to have in your first aid kit, then put clay on your list!
Prepare ahead of time and be ready for the next incident in the barn!
Let's talk first about all the many benefits of clay, then we can get into a clay poultice recipe and all it's uses. Bentonite Clay is my first choice, but there are a variety of clays out there you can choose from.
Choosing a Clay:
1. Choose a clay that is pharmaceutical grade clay that is 100% living clay.
2. Natural or organic are loosely defined and vary in quality. Be sure that it is certified by a testing agency, using gas mass spectrometer.
3. FDA, G.R.A.S. certification and food grade are important.
4. High pH level, above 7.
Beware of clays that require being ingested with an acid beverage to offset high sodium content.
Benefits of Bentonite Clay:
1. Protects the body from radiation
2. Restores
3. Improves cellular respiration
4. Detoxifies -absorbs and removes toxins, heavy metals, impurities and chemicals
5. Alkalizes the body
6. Reduces Inflammation, irritation, itching and hot spots
7. Pain reliever
8. Soothes
9. Re-mineralizes cells and tissues
10. Cleanses the skin, liver and colon
11. Boosts the immune system
Uses of Bentonite Clay Poultice:
Clay poultices are by far the most useful creation from bentonite clay (or clay of your choosing). The uses are almost endless for a clay poultice (recipe following):
1. Wounds -clay poultice can serve as a liquid bandage in those areas that your unable to bandage on a horse (or other large animal). Place over cuts, bug bites, scrapes, etc.
2. Sweat wraps with clay poultice's are excellent for reducing inflammation such as with a twisted ankle, tendon injuries, arthritis, injuries, etc.
Keep in mind if you have an acute injury it might require cold hosing prior to poulticing. It will depend on the issue you are addressing.
Poultice Recipe
The recipe can be altered according to your need. It is possible to have leftover poultice that you can store and use again. Best to use it within a few days, as opposed to long term storage. Try and be concise in how much you will need for your issue. Be sure to store it in an airtight container. Preferably glass container. Do Not use metal of any kind to store clay. That would include when you prepare your recipe. I use mason jars for storage. If the clay becomes a bit dry, you can always add some water to the poultice.
1/4 cup Bentonite Clay (or medicinal clay of your choosing)
1/4 cup Witch Hazel or Vegetable Oil
1/4 cup distilled, osmosis or bottled mineral water (DO NOT use tap water!)
Essential Oils (6-10 drops)
Wooden Spoon (or spoon made from natural materials)
Add clay to glass or natural material bowl. Slowly add water. Mix.
Add essential oils. Mix again.
Place in an glass air tight container.
Example of a Clay Poultice Used on a Severe Bug Bite Infection:
Warning: This is a bit graphic and may be unpleasant for some to view
First I cleaned this out with a Saline solution and a cotton pad.
Then I placed the clay poultice directly over the wound itself, stretching out to about an inch diameter around the wound. Cover it throughly.
These pictures are taken over about a two week timeline.
This is the under belly of a horse.
Pretty nasty bug bite!
Typically when you get this ugly of a wound from a bug bite, it could indicate an allergic reaction to the bug bite.
First Day

After about 3-4 days
Keep in mind, I am cleaning the poultice off the bug bite daily. Take a moist cloth and wipe the clay poultice off and around the wound. Sometimes it is dry and can just be brushed off with your hand, or a brush. Avoiding the wound, of course.
Reapply the poultice.

This is approaching a week of applying poultice

At this point, the wound has been closing up and is in no longer need of putting poultice on it. Unless there were fly's bothering it, you could continue to poultice it. When it is this far along, I like to get it some air and allow it to heal on it's own.

I have had numerous incidents where a clay poultice has healed injuries, infections and inflammations.
This bug bite was in the middle of summer. It was hot and my gelding would stand at the back of the barn with no shelter (not my choice, trust me!), with a wet land at the neighbors. Bugs & bees were in abundance. The clay poultice allowed not only allowed for the time it needed to heal, but also protected it against the bugs that are attracted to such a sight.
If you Enjoyed this Article you can find another article about clay here:
Suggestions where to purchase:
Here are some suggestions of where you can get your clay.
Eytons' Earth: http://www.eytonsearth.org
TheHolisticHorse.com -http://www.theholistichorse.com/shop/animal-products/bentonite-clay-calcilite-calcium/
*Earthy's Living Clay: https://www.earthsnaturalclay.com/#_l_4i
*Affiliate Link - I do earn a small payout from this company
If DIY is just not your thing, then I highly recommend Sore No More Poultice -
Hope you found this article helpful. Comments and suggestions are welcome.